Takin’ a Lickin’ and Keepin’ on Lickin’
Folding the Circus2016-2020 Big Tent[1]
And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares, that infest the day,
Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs,
And as silently steal away.[2]
Three recent posts on this blog voiced my ardent support for Bernie Sanders as POTUS46 in 2020.[3] In all three, I plainly stated I felt Sanders was a long shot to win, at best. With ignominious departure from Circus2020 yesterday, today I struggle against “I told you so,” and I can’t help thinking of Yogi Berra’s now-famous aphorism – “It’s déjà vu all over again.” We the people are beaten black and blue yet again by the very same fascist capitalist elitist kleptocratic oligarch cabal and praetorian corporatocracy that made USAmerican ‘democracy’ a laughingstock in the very same way in Circus2016. It’s déjà vu black and blue all over again. It seems we the people are quite content to just keep on lickin’ the jackboots of the fascist thuggery running the world.
As global martial law lite enshrouds the planet, we pretend it’s a difference that makes no real difference, while trillions of fresh-minted dollars once again pour into the rapacious black hole coffers of that sociopathic omnicidal 1%. Toilet paper becomes a new gold standard of quality of life, as if we subliminally know just how explosively we’re shitting ourselves from here and now into oblivion already upon us. We swallow the permanent lies of USAmerican mythology upholding our civil religion and its scientismic dogmatism; we exude fanatic technophilia in a rampant plethora of rabid digitized rituals, lethargic pixelated liturgies, and self-serving pseudo-social sacraments enthralling us all to death without having ever really lived at all in truth and reality. We flatten a delusional statistical curve of pandemic viral vengeance thrown at us by the causal laws of nature we defy at every turn, as if God and Mother Nature were chattel we took captive through Enlightenment Rationality centuries ago to become Whipping Boy and House Whore to serve our sadistic nationalism and insatiable necrophilia.
We are presence undeserving of being; vile things of existential absurdity; apex predators who occupy substance to devour and destroy it from zenith to nadir without ever a second thought or a passing glance backward. There is only our ex nihilo nihil – our coming from nothing to be nothing and to become nothingness.
We are the virus. Hoist to our own extinction on the corona of our own creation. There lies the final justice, at last. The Circus has left the building and all we are is dust in the wind of its wake.[4]
All Over But the Cryin’ and Dyin’
[1] Drawings by Dwayne Booth (aka MR. FISH) – RESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (left), ©June 2016; BIDEN 2020 (right), ©March 2020. BIDEN 2020 accompanies Chris Hedges, “The One-Choice Election,” in TruthDig (now available in archive only due to fascist capitalist oppression), March 09, 2020.
[2] Final stanza in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “PROEM: The Day is Done,” in The Waif: A Collection of Poems, 5th ed. (Boston, MA: William D. Ticknor & Co., 1846), ix-xi.
[3] “Stakeholder Capitalism v Truthteller Realism: Three-Card Monte at Davos 2020” (February 4, 2020); “The Circus2020 McCarthyism Bandwagon: Red-Baiting Will Continue Until Rationality is Defeated” (February 19, 2020); “Dystopian Dissonance: Damn It All to Hell” (March 6, 2020).
[4] More MR. FISH: JOE BLOW, ©March 9, 2020; BERNED OUT, ©April 9, 2020.